Mias Folk Art
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Get a Life, PhD: Do You Need to Go on an Information Diet?
Get a Life, PhD: Do You Need to Go on an Information Diet?: Is it possible to have too much information? Could information overload be getting in the way of important tasks? I am a professor, a so...
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Sunday, February 20, 2011
I get up, I get dressed....
I get up, I get dressed...... I check my email, and Facebook. Facebook? Why Facebook? I love to play games the most, but they suck the energy out of me. They are fun to play, but they stifle my mind into this little box of crops or whatever. Very sick if you really think about it. Hypnotizing the masses...well, that's a little severe but not too severe... so I am seriously thinking of hitting the "delete"button on that whole thing. I have more creative and enterprising ideas that I can plan for.
Other news: Saw "The Green Hornet" last night with 11 year old and not sure if I liked it. It was incredibly stupid, but funny, lots of action.... I left kind of scratching my head. Still want to see "The Eagle" and a few more...
Am going to take 11 year old ds horseback riding at Arizona Cowboy College. He has been wanting to ride a horse for some time... I used to ride now and then, and it is so fun.
Other news: slow progress on knitting older son's beanie... will post.
note: ds= dear son, dd=dear daughter, dh=dear husband
I know you already probably know that, though.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Valentine's Date Night was a blast. The movie was mediocre. We saw "The Mechanic". I mean, it was good, but not really good. The Gold Class seats at iPic theater here were very nice, like our theater room seats. Yes, they offered a blanket and pillow, and complimentary popcorn which was good. They had a good looking food menu, but, since we had just eaten, we weren't very hungry. I don't know if I like that idea, anyway...eating real food in a theater? Even though each seat has a little swing-out table, and a place between every two seats to hold a bottle of wine, I don't really like smelling and hearing someone eat food near me when I am trying to concentrate on the movie. I mean, real food smells like balsamic vinegar and feta cheese and grilled chicken smells...and the crunching that goes along with all that. Besides, how can they see their food? It's beyond me, a little crazy.
So, I started knitting a slouchy beanie for Andres, and I am using some Cascade 220 in a light brown color. Seems fine so far. I started it at Alex's basketball game yesterday. He had 2 games, at 3 and 5.
So, too, tomorrow my dear love Russell has to leave again for work. It will be sad, and I will have to comfort Alex the best I can. This traveling is hard on all of us.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Today is an ART Day
Today is an ART day. I have been totally inspired by other mixed media artists on You Tube who share their art journals. So today is ART Day!
Also, it's an early Valentine's Day Celebration, since DH has to leave on Monday. We are going out to eat at Fleming's, and to a movie at iPic Theater here in the Scottsdale Quarter! We reserved Gold Class seats. It'll be such a nice time with my Valentine!!
So the day is pretty much taken with such FUN stuff!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Trials of a Deprived Child
Had a formidable challenge today driving to school with the 11 year old. He protests that I make him eat, and make his clothes match and he is tired of it. Hhmmmpph... the drive seemed like 100 miles instead of 5. I hate to see him so unhappy but life will never be perfect. It'll be worse tonight when he gets home and finds no XBox for a while.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
There are lots of thing to say...

Well DH came home Sunday after being gone 3 weeks. He is only here for a week, but we are so happy!!! New work schedule is different and will take getting used to.
I am happy picking out things for my Secret Pal, I just ordered some yarn for her for a Valentine's SP gift from my favorite Loopy Ewe. I think she will really like it because it is shades of pink and she likes pink.
Thinking of some direction I should go...(ha ha life lacking direction...private joke).
Studio is pretty clean now, guess I'll take a pic to show you! Pretty obvious that I just changed the blog around a little, too.
Bought a new pattern book : Celebrity Slouchy Beanies. Can't wait to knit some. Think they are very cool... I have some brown Cascade 220 I think I will use to knit one for Andres, my oldest son, and pray that he will like and wear it.
Had some friends over for the Super Bowl even though Russell had just returned from India, France, London and Connecticut that morning, he really loved to see them. He was tired that night but was OK during the day. The jet lag really hit last night and he was very sick, but feeling a little better. He caught something nasty somewhere....
Still meaning to knit myself a pair of socks......just have to start.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Organizing? Me?
I really am having tons of fun organizing this house. Actually, I feel really good that I have gotten rid of so many things we have kept over the years! Things just seem, well, clearer or something!!!!
Tonight I am taking youngest 11 year old son to his band concert. He plays the sax, and says he is in a duet tonight! Can't wait!...
Haven't had too much time lately to think about knitting, although it lurks in the corners of my mind, sits on my shoulder and waits...
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year!
Well today our daughter Karin left to go back to Houston... It was nice to have her here for Christmas. Our older son Andres was able to come for a few days, and that was wonderful, too! Today we'll take down the tree and the outside lights when it warms up a little this week. Tomorrow Russell goes back to work and Alex back to school....here we go! Big changes coming as we prepare to move to Connecticut. Lots to do....
Knitting-wise, I am working on a UFO - that Manos Throw I am knitting for oldest son. Next, I'll sew up the Sienna Cardigan I have had done, but not put not sewn together...for a long time... Mine is knit in Malabrigo Worsted Merino Wool in Lettuce. And I do have an unfinished pair of socks which I am thinking of just frogging and start a new pair of socks. Out with the old, in with the new....
Speaking of "out with the old".... I am also embarking on getting rid of tons of scrap-booking supplies which at one time I thought I needed.....(Cough....ahem) we'll go into that later...
Gotta go but will be back soon.
Happy New Year!
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