Today is Friday, June 6. Still blustery, 64 degrees or so, cold and windy. Is there spring? Summer? It's almost fall ......just kidding. I have all but given up hope. One day we will wake up and we'll have to get the saddles out to put on the giant mosquitoes...and it will be humid as all get me be positive about the weather, please....
Well, yesterday was younger son's last day of school! yippee! I am working on a couple of knitting projects at the same time and have to admit that I have kind of been wandering off from my knitting projects. Things have been very busy and I can't sit down long enough to enjoy knitting. Tonight son and DH are going to a Father/Son Camp-In at our church!! They will have fun! Let's see, Yesterday I made Pecan Parmesan Crusted Salmon and rice with peas. It was good. What else? Younger son had pizza at a neighbor's end of year party. They had a big jumpy thing in their yard, and water balloons, fun and games, although it poured for a lot of the time. They had a blast just the same! He went over again this morning to extend the fun....!!