This spring has shown us pretty horrendous weather. Today, May 31, is really a nice day-- around 70 and sunny!
I finally finished my sweater, Silverlake Shirt pattern from Oat Couture. I like it. Very simple pattern. Used 8 balls of RYC Soft Tweed in Thistle. Now I am starting a surprise for my oldest daughter: a beaded cami in turquoise cotton........ of course there are also various other things going on...... little son had a soccer game at 9:00 am today, a baseball game at 10:30, and baseball pictures at 1:00! So we ran around all is so fun!! Now I am supposed to be cleaning and organizing but the computer has turned into a black hole where I disappear in ravelry!! Ha ha ha I guess I'll have to KNIT a cover for it and hide it, or an least make it harder to get to!!! A computer Cozy!!!!!! ;) Well, see you later!